Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Labyrinth The boardgame my potted review!

I have had this game for just over a year and thought i would post a short review on my thoughts on the game.

Game components are excellent. It really captures the look of the movie and puppets as you can clearly tell by the miniatures which are a joy to paint.

The game itself really does a good job of capturing the feel of the movie with all the notable scenes and locations covered. Of course you find yourself reciting scenes from the movie as you play.

Willing victims...errr participants!

The game mechanics are fairly simple. It's a cooperative game with each challenge generally involving a dice off against a particular characters skill : speed, wit,and brawn.

The rules encourage cooperative play because if two characters occupy the same area they can decide whose skill rating to use for the challenge.

However if a character has fallen into the bog of eternal stench they stink so much they cannot cooperate with fellow characters!

If you fail the challenge you lose willpower and can end up in the Oubliette where you lose a turn but can regain willpower.

The game is a race against the clock. Thirteen turns to enter the castle and defeat the Goblin king otherwise Toby is turned into a goblin!

Overall I think this is a fun family game. It is probably aimed at a younger audience (kinda like the movie) as the mechanics are fairly simple. Older players may become bored after a few games.

The new Goblin expansion adds a few extra rules and should enhance the playing experience.

In summary I would say if you're a fan of the movie you definitely need to buy this game. If you don't "get" the movie I think you should pass.

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