Friday, December 18, 2009

ECW - Sir Ralph Weldon Regiment of Foot

Since finishing off the last of my VSF stuff (for the time being), I have began working on my main project for 2010. English Civil War. My army will be based on Sir William Waller's Southern Association army which defeated Sir Ralph Hopton at the battle of Cheriton March 1644. The figures I plan on using are predominately the Warlord Games plastic 28mm figures however, I also plan to have a Cuirassier regiment from Renegade Miniatures and some personalities, villages etc from  Wargames Foundry.

The miniatures were base coated in black and then painted with Games Workshop colours. I applied a base coat of each colour (red was two coats, one foundation base coat followed by blood red top coat) and then used the army painter " miracle dip" technique which I had tried out on some zulus with good results.

I plan on playing some ECW skirmish games as well, so a few figures were based individually. I therefore decided to use the Games Workshop movement trays. I normally don't like movement trays but for this I will make an exception :)

So here is the first completed regiment... Sir Ralph Weldon's Regiment of foot.

Here is the command stand. I think I will buy some more command stands and paint them up with red sashes instead of orange so I can quickly convert these Parliament chaps into Royalist scum :)

Next up, another regiment of foot, this time with green coats.




  1. Neil,

    I'm in western Canada and grew up in California . . . so I don't know much about the ECW . . . but it fascinates me.

    I've been collecting books on it . . . and am planning to center on the Hopton/Waller campaigns as well . . . but I'm probably a year or two away from tackling it (too many projects in the queue ahead of it).

    What rules are you planning on using?

    -- Jeff

  2. Oh, yes, I forgot to mention that I really like the look of your unit. I will look forward to seeing future units . . . you say that the next one will be greencoats . . . will buffcoats and bluecoats be far behind?

    -- Jeff

  3. Thanks Bluebear.

    We have several rule sets to try out. Warhammer ECW, 1644 by Rick Priestly, Very Civille Actions by The Perfect Captain and a fast play rules called Without Quarter.

    The next regiment will have green coats(Colonel Samuel Jones rgt), Then blue ( Sir William Waller's regt) Then grey (Col John Hampden rgt) and maybe yellow (Maj Gen Christopher Potley rgt. Then I have a unit of dragoons and three cavalry units and a couple of guns to paint up.


  4. I played a couple of games of Clarence Harrison's "Victory Without Quarter" . . . are those the rules you mean?

    If so, they were quite enjoyable. Although we didn't exactly play ECW. We used them to play a quasi-TYW battle set in the history of a SYW Imagi-Nation.

    If you are interested in reading about them, see my blog for April 6 and 10 for 2008:

    As for the Perfect Captain's rules, Angus Konstam has a nice review and lost of accounts of them using large units:

    If you haven't visited this site, please do so, I think that you'll find it quite inspiring . . . I know that I did.

    -- Jeff
