The HMLS Dauntless is my first scratchbuild attempt at a Victorian Science Fiction Landship.
I have gone for a fairly historical appearance to the vessel, based on a Colonial ironclad gunboat that would be seen patrolling the nile or yellow river. The vessel is to be used for both VSF and regular colonial gaming. In VSF mode it has a large heavy gun in a forward turret and is amphibious. For regular colonial games the forward turret can be removed to be replaced with a regular cargo hold and the wheels are removable too.
The construction was fairly straightforward. I used foam board and card for the main superstructure while the cabin and decking was made using styrene sheet. The Turret was scratchbuilt , however the machine gun and Hotchkiss quick firing gun are from Eureka Miniatures colonial range.
I have ordered a few ships components from Reviresco so I can add ships boats , anchors etc. but for now the ship is game ready. The ship is crewed by Eureka miniatures from their colonial range, however the Captain is my own conversion of the Eden Hardlove miniature from the Pax Limpopo range.